Fitness Tips

Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | 4 Key Training Tips


It Doesn't Come Easy

Quick fixes, instant gratification, and being easy do not go with being healthy, strong, and fit.  Building a strong, healthy body takes time, planning and discipline. 

4 Key Training Tips

Here are 4 key sticking points that will always increase your chances for success!  

1.     Lift heavy!  Your mom was wrong, it’s okay to lift heavy when proper technique is executed.  Heavy weights build a stronger foundation by making your bones, tendons, and ligaments stronger. They also increase lean body mass.  Our body starts to lose lean body mass after the age of 30, you will want to do everything you can to preserve that muscle.

2.     Consistency.  Results will show when you put in the work.  Not every workout will be epic and they don’t need to be.  Punch your time card at the gym 2-4 days a week for months upon months and see what happens. You will be amazed! 

3.     Don’t forget about your legs.  Abs, abs, abs, arms, and chest are often the go-to when it comes to muscles worked.  I totally understand the vanity part, but if you want to be strong, train your legs.  Learn how to squat. And when I mean squat make sure your hip crease goes below your knee!

4.     Fun! Working out should be fun and should include things that challenge you and things that you want to do.  When things are fun, you are more likely to do them! 

Image Credit: U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. Fifth Fleet via Flickr

Call me if I can help you with these training tips 310.251.7420

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | We All Want To Wave The White Flag


It's O.K.!

It’s okay to want to quit.  Eating better, eating less, daily walks, setting new personal records, or trying to lose weight will test your will, motivation, and discipline.  In most cases the struggle will cause people to want to quit. 

Take It From Teddy

Theodore Roosevelt says it best, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty.”

Get Cozy With Being Uncomfortable

For there to be progress, there will be times that you are uncomfortable.  You will never get stronger, faster, healthier or leaner without the occasional struggle.


The only difference between those who make their goals and those who do not is they continue to push. 

You got this!

Image credit: Volkan Olmez via Unsplash

Call me if you feel like quitting: 310.251.7420

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.



Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | When Adversity Strikes


Not If, But When

It’s never a matter of if, but when, we will face adversity.  Our health, family, work, and our fitness can ultimately succumb to some major bumps in the road. 

Let’s keep this simple and just focus on health and fitness since this is the area that I live in.  We can face injuries, coming up short with hitting our goals, or even worse a health diagnosis that could affect us both short or long term.  Rarely does adversity let us know it’s coming to visit. Like any great war general will tell you, the element of surprise can bring people to their knees. 

How To Deal

So how can you prevent adversity with your health and fitness?  You can’t, but that doesn’t mean you cannot be prepared.  For me it comes down to two very simple things that you have to execute every single day.

1. Attitude! 

I know it is a bit cliché, but your attitude is something that you have control over so it makes sense that we would start here.  Poor me, complaining, and being mad at the world will not and will never get you past the current issue that you are facing.  Let your attitude be your ally not your foe. 

2. Diet and Exercise

Eating right and working out will not stop all disease, illness, or injuries but they can help you reduce the risk of all these issues.  Eating right and your weekly workouts are also something you have control over.  It’s okay if you have a bad weekend of eating or a string of bad workouts, it’s going to happen.  Just get back on the horse and keep moving forward.

Strike Back

Life can be tough and throw all kinds of s*@t your way, you have the choice to eat it or hit back. 

Image Credit: Fabian Blank via Unsplash

Dial the digits if I can help with your diet and exercise 310.251.7420

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.