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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | To The Over 40 Crowd


Do You Fall Into This Category?

While everyone needs to be working out, it’s the over 40 crowd that needs health and fitness more than anyone.  

Why?  Because:

  • we are losing a small percentage of muscle mass each year 
  • we are experiencing weight gain 
  • we have loss of bone density,
  • our stress levels are generally higher 
  • mother nature tends to pick on those who neglect their bodies without having youth on their side to be the equalizer

What You Must Be Doing

The 40+ crowd needs to be moving, lifting, and not over-indulging on decadent food. Getting older is not for the faint of heart and can be a mixed bag.  Yeah we’re smarter and certainly care a lot less about things that aren’t important in the big scheme of life, but it sure would be nice to recover a little faster, sleep better, burn off calories quicker, and have the energy that we once had in our younger days.

Every phase of life has its challenges and its good fortunes.  With some hard work, a solid game plan, and some luck we you can turn the second half of your life into some of the best years of your entire life.

Become A Time Fighter


The time fighter club welcomes everyone who has a willingness to exercise and eat healthy most of the time.  Strength training, pilates, yoga, walking or riding your bike all count towards earning your time fighter status.  Let’s not forget being consistent, pushing yourself, and having some fun along the way are all necessary ingredients. 

There of course will be great days and days that bring a challenge, you just need to continue to take action and always be ready for a brawl.

Credit to Phil Ambrose for the Time Fighter analogy - thanks Phil!

Image Credit: Erik Taylor

I can help you to become a member of the Time Fighter Club 310.251.7420

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.





Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | When Your Health & Fitness Go Sideways


It Happens

This usually happens to me twice a year - once in winter when the flu bug steamrolls everyone in the house & once at the end of the school year when things get a little crazy with multiple events going on.  When I recover from the flu or when the dust settles form the end of the school year I hit the reset button and I’m back on track. 

It's Not Easy

For many people it’s just not that easy. A couple of weeks quickly turn into a month of missed workouts or portion sizes slide back into old habits.  It happens to all of us…ALL OF US!

Turn That Ship Around

So we have to turn this ship around, but how?  Focus on the small stuff, making small changes is a great deal easier to mentally handle than massive changes:

  • Skip second helpings at dinner 
  • Get back to walking at lunch
  • Log your daily calories.

The act of creating action will get the ball rolling again and while some days it might feel like you’re pushing that ball up a hill at least your pushing it. 

Image Credit: Marius Fisku via Unsplash

I can help you get right-side up again 310.251.7420

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.


Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | When Adversity Strikes


Not If, But When

It’s never a matter of if, but when, we will face adversity.  Our health, family, work, and our fitness can ultimately succumb to some major bumps in the road. 

Let’s keep this simple and just focus on health and fitness since this is the area that I live in.  We can face injuries, coming up short with hitting our goals, or even worse a health diagnosis that could affect us both short or long term.  Rarely does adversity let us know it’s coming to visit. Like any great war general will tell you, the element of surprise can bring people to their knees. 

How To Deal

So how can you prevent adversity with your health and fitness?  You can’t, but that doesn’t mean you cannot be prepared.  For me it comes down to two very simple things that you have to execute every single day.

1. Attitude! 

I know it is a bit cliché, but your attitude is something that you have control over so it makes sense that we would start here.  Poor me, complaining, and being mad at the world will not and will never get you past the current issue that you are facing.  Let your attitude be your ally not your foe. 

2. Diet and Exercise

Eating right and working out will not stop all disease, illness, or injuries but they can help you reduce the risk of all these issues.  Eating right and your weekly workouts are also something you have control over.  It’s okay if you have a bad weekend of eating or a string of bad workouts, it’s going to happen.  Just get back on the horse and keep moving forward.

Strike Back

Life can be tough and throw all kinds of s*@t your way, you have the choice to eat it or hit back. 

Image Credit: Fabian Blank via Unsplash

Dial the digits if I can help with your diet and exercise 310.251.7420

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.