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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Training For Function VS Just Looking Good


Which Do You Prefer?

When most people start out on their fitness journey they want to lose weight, get toned, work on their arms and of course have those razor sharp abs.  They want to look good; maybe they’re after a Hollywood starlet look or an athlete.   While just the act of working out should get you a pat on the back, many of these types of goals are subjective and unobtainable.  These goals often lead many people down a very deep rabbit hole in a constant calorie deficit, always comparing themselves to others, and a tough place to be mentally day in and day out. 

Train For Function

Training for function is on the other side of the spectrum.  While I have yet to come across someone who doesn’t want to look good, training for function will put you in an entirely different mindset while still getting a killer physique.

What Is Training For Function? 

It’s your ability to do things like: 

  • push
  • pull 
  • lift 
  • carry objects 
  • play with your kids 
  • do yard work 
  • work on the house

It’s strength!  Now you never have to wonder, "Can I move that table, couch or dresser without getting hurt?"  Because you can!

How Does It Work? 

Easy!  First your workouts will consist of:

  • squats 
  • deadlifts 
  • shoulder presses 
  • bench press 
  • chin-ups 
  • sprints 
  • running hills 
  • pushing a sled 

The goal is get physically stronger, tougher, more resilient, and increase your ability to deal with being uncomfortable. 

Food, Glorious Food

Here is the other great thing about training for function, instead of limiting your calorie intake you can eat!  Food and sleep drive the entire process.  Now this isn’t a hall pass to hit the local donut shop every day, but you certainly don’t have to count every single calorie that goes into your month.  Food builds muscles. 

Measuring Progress

So instead of using the damn mirror or scale for feedback, you can watch the numbers on your lifts get heavier.  Let the barbell or dumbbell tell you that you are making progress.  It’s objective, simple, and very satisfying seeing your strength grow.   

Call today and I can help you train for function with 1-on-1 personal or online training. 310.251.7420

Image Credit: Molly Taylor

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | The Godfather of Strength


Back To School

Two weeks ago I got to spend the weekend with the “godfather” of strength training.  Mark Rippetoe, better known as Rip, put on a strength clinic here in L.A.  30 hours of squats, deadlifts, presses, bench presses, and power cleans.

The Godfather Of Strength

To say Rip is a character would be a massive understatement. Rip is a cross of Bill Parcells, who has won multiple Super Bowls as a coach, and Steve Jobs. Like Bill, you better have some thick skin because he'll gut you like a fish in front of everybody as I got see a few times.  He also has some Steve Jobs in him. Like Jobs was to technology, Rip is to strength training, he is light years ahead of the majority of us in the fitness community.

Weight = Strength

Rip has been in the strength world for over 40 years and has coached world record weight lifters, NFL players, and even cyclists. He has built a system that incorporates physics, using the greatest amount of muscle mass use over the longest effective range of motion, and loves to argue why his philosophy is the best.

My first real interaction with Rip was on Saturday morning after he and the class watched me finish up my last set of heavy squats. He said to me, “Good looking squats, do you know what you are doing wrong?”  Having read and watched all of his books and videos I knew exactly where he was going.  “Erik, you are too damn skinny! A guy your height needs to weigh 245 lbs., you need to go put on some weight.  Do you know why that’s a problem?”  I replied, “Yes, Rip because I’m at a mechanical disadvantage.”  “Fix it”, he said and walked away.

Knowledge Is Power

Rip’s personality, politics, and general demeanor are for a select few, but what I couldn’t deny was his expertise, experience and the opportunity to learn from the best.  While I have no intention of putting on 45 lbs. at this point of my life, the amount of material that I’ve learned because of him was truly expansive. I’m extremely grateful for the knowledge gained and I’ve become better at my job because of his work. 

Thanks Rip, it was an unforgettable weekend! 

Image Credit: The Guardian

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How To Be An Economical Runner | Ask Erik

There's a lot of energy wasted by runners who have poor form.

Here's how to change that and become economical with your running.

Erik recommends:

1. Get stronger!
2. Do compound exercises like: squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, bench presses, chin ups and pull ups

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