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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | 4 Things You Need


Simple, Hard, Consistent & Patient

We live in a quick fix, short attention span society. With a swift click of the mouse our package is waiting at the door in less than 24 hours.  People like new, shiny, the next and latest craze with just about everything.  Variety, complicated, quick and easy do not lend themselves to results - at least nothing worth mentioning.  Getting stronger, losing weight or placing in your age division in a local event never ever comes without these essentials:

  • discipline 
  • hard work
  • commitment 
  • a straightforward approach 

Know This

If you are truly trying to make changes in your health, it comes at a cost.  If you can come to an understanding that you must give yourself 4-6 months or longer to fully commit to a simple and hard approach, those results that you so desperately want will show up.  Rarely, if ever, do people fail because the program is too simple, they fail because they never fully commit or they get bored with a simple and straightforward approach and become program hoppers.

Stick to the plan and good things will happen!

Image Credit: Loic Djim via Unsplash

I can be your support system and keep you accountable 310.251.7420

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | 4 Key Training Tips


It Doesn't Come Easy

Quick fixes, instant gratification, and being easy do not go with being healthy, strong, and fit.  Building a strong, healthy body takes time, planning and discipline. 

4 Key Training Tips

Here are 4 key sticking points that will always increase your chances for success!  

1.     Lift heavy!  Your mom was wrong, it’s okay to lift heavy when proper technique is executed.  Heavy weights build a stronger foundation by making your bones, tendons, and ligaments stronger. They also increase lean body mass.  Our body starts to lose lean body mass after the age of 30, you will want to do everything you can to preserve that muscle.

2.     Consistency.  Results will show when you put in the work.  Not every workout will be epic and they don’t need to be.  Punch your time card at the gym 2-4 days a week for months upon months and see what happens. You will be amazed! 

3.     Don’t forget about your legs.  Abs, abs, abs, arms, and chest are often the go-to when it comes to muscles worked.  I totally understand the vanity part, but if you want to be strong, train your legs.  Learn how to squat. And when I mean squat make sure your hip crease goes below your knee!

4.     Fun! Working out should be fun and should include things that challenge you and things that you want to do.  When things are fun, you are more likely to do them! 

Image Credit: U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. Fifth Fleet via Flickr

Call me if I can help you with these training tips 310.251.7420

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Family Ties



A couple of weeks ago I got to witness some true guts and determination when I was watching the Men’s and Women’s Olympic Marathon Trials in Los Angeles.  My rooting interest was tied with the Popejoy family as we watched Mike Popejoy battle the competitors, the heat, and an insane amount of turns on the course. 

I’ve been a close friend with Ken Popejoy, Mike’s dad, for over 20 years.  Ken has been a coach, mentor, and a father figure to me.  Our friendship runs deep; there may be 20 plus years difference in age, but you wouldn’t know it. 

In the years we have been friends many events and memories have been created: there have been races, he became a judge, hall of fames, a wedding, my kids being born, his kids’ accomplishments, the passing of my sister, he and Nate {my college buddy} discovering Hermosa Beach.  My all time favorite memory though was the Christmas of 2012 when I came in the house from work and he was sitting on the couch reading The Night Before Christmas to my girls. There’s a lot of history between us.  So there was no way I was about to miss Mike’s debut in the Olympic Trials.

Race Day

The weather forecast leading into the race was not optimal, 82 and sunny.  Mike’s training was solid except for one of his feet was giving him issues, that’s pretty good considering the amount of his weekly mileage. 

Family Ties

Like any major event you prepare for, you do not get there alone.  I got to see one of the driving forces behind Mike’s success: his family. 

Mike’s 2 brothers and 2 sisters traveled from 4 different states to see the race.  They came not out of obligation, but because they would not have it any other way.  His family stood on Figueroa and cheered, yelled, and held up a sign that said, “Pope is Dope!” But the moment that got me was when Mike was in the last half mile of the race and Ken ran onto the course and yelled at the top of his lungs “Son, I’m so proud of you!”  

This race for Mike went beyond the actual physical and mental components of competition and running a marathon. His parents, siblings, and extended family came to support him in his already brilliant running and academic career.  It was about family and their love for Mike. 

I’ve seen thousands of races, I’ve been a part of National Championship teams and I’ve had my own success as a runner.  But that Saturday in early February will be one of the most memorable, exciting, and amazing days that I’ve been a part of.  And not because I saw America’s elite marathon runners, but solely because I got to be part of a huge moment in the Popejoy’s lives.  Ken, Kelly, Mike, Jon, Nick, and Katie thank you for letting me be a part of it.  Congrats Popejoys!

Image Credit: Erik Taylor

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