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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | 4 Things You Need


Simple, Hard, Consistent & Patient

We live in a quick fix, short attention span society. With a swift click of the mouse our package is waiting at the door in less than 24 hours.  People like new, shiny, the next and latest craze with just about everything.  Variety, complicated, quick and easy do not lend themselves to results - at least nothing worth mentioning.  Getting stronger, losing weight or placing in your age division in a local event never ever comes without these essentials:

  • discipline 
  • hard work
  • commitment 
  • a straightforward approach 

Know This

If you are truly trying to make changes in your health, it comes at a cost.  If you can come to an understanding that you must give yourself 4-6 months or longer to fully commit to a simple and hard approach, those results that you so desperately want will show up.  Rarely, if ever, do people fail because the program is too simple, they fail because they never fully commit or they get bored with a simple and straightforward approach and become program hoppers.

Stick to the plan and good things will happen!

Image Credit: Loic Djim via Unsplash

I can be your support system and keep you accountable 310.251.7420

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | You Don't Have To Be Perfect


I Speak From Experience

Being a perfectionist myself I find it a blessing and a curse.  I spend too much time making sure things are perfect because I care, so half-ass jobs on my part do not sit well with me.  The issue with things being perfect is that it slows down or completely stops momentum.  So, when it comes to your health and fitness, you need to care and make sure things are on point…most of the time.

Be Consistent With Food

Let’s first start with food.  Consistent good eating, i.e. healthy food, not overeating, but allowing yourself to indulge here and there is how you win.  Life can throw you a S*#t storm with work stress, family stress, travel, or you’re just on the go all time. 

How can one eat perfectly?  Well for most of us you can’t. A glass of wine to calm the nerves, a piece of chocolate to help you move on from the day at work, or in my case heading to Starbucks and getting Nature’s way to get amped and bring me some good old comfort are all ways we deal with the day-to-day grind.  These treats are all completely normal and all completely okay in the big scheme of things. 

The 80/20 Rule

As I posted in a video last month, it comes down to the 80-20 rule, 80% of the time be on target, 20% of the time allow yourself to have the stuff you love.  Remember that even if you are trying to maintain your current weight or even lose weight you can allow yourself some treats.  The secret…staying within the calorie range that allows to reach those goals.

The same logic applies to working out.  If you are 21 years old and you are in college, there is no reason why you shouldn’t crush every damn workout and I should know because I lived that life once.  But for regular people that work, that aren’t 21, who may have families, and are social, crushing every single workout isn’t a reality.  We must temper our expectations of ourselves and know there will be more ups and downs.  Lack of sleep, slower recovery time, and sick kids can swing the pendulum more there we care to admit. 


Here again is where the 80-20 Rule can be applied successfully to your game plan.  If you are tired, beat up, or have zero to low motivation…adjust your workout.  In most cases, it’s better to do a little something like a light walk, stretch, or go on an easy bike ride, more times than not it will make you feel better anyways.  This is the 20%, yeah you didn’t get that planned strength training session in or go to that spin class but you still moved your body.  This again is a victory.  Consistency at work. 

Be Consistent

Good things happen when you practice consistent habits day in and day out.  As always remember that this is a marathon not a 100-meter sprint.  

Call today & I can support you with your fitness & nutrition goals 310.251.7420

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.


The Process | Ask Erik

A lot of people are trying to make changes for the better and these changes take time.

Erik recommends:

1. Don't measure your progress in 3 to 4 weeks from now, instead do it in 5 to 6 months.
2. Put in the work and do it consistently and you'll see results.
3. Be patient!

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