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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Don't Make These 5 Mistakes



With all the noise out there, it can be hard to focus on the things that really matter when it comes to becoming and staying fit. Below are 5 of the most popular training mistakes that I have seen clients fall victim to. Don't be one of them!


Lose the obsession with your mid-section. Total body exercises (like squats or deadlifts) will burn more calories than crunches. Always. Period. End of story.


Now don't get me wrong, cardio is great, but balance is important. Cardio does not make you stronger nor does it increase bone and tendon density, that's what the weight room is for. 


Do you do the same 4-mile loop at the same pace or lift the same amount of weight in the same succession every gym sesh? In order to progress you need to add variety to your workout routine. That means lifting harder and training in intervals.


Doing every exercise you know every time you enter the gym isn't efficient. Instead, adopt a simple training plan. Do your research and narrow down your routine to 4 or 5 exercises for each muscle group. Train a different muscle group every day. 


Food is life. You aren't going to make gains if you aren't feeding your body the nutrients it needs. Food helps build muscle and aids your body in recovery.

Image Credit: Blondinrikard Fröberg via Flickr

Get in touch if you'd like help focusing on the right things to do 310.251.7420

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tips : 4 Key Training Points

slim fit

If a trainer isn't practicing what he's preaching, it's time to get a new trainer! Here are four training tips that I practice in my own life:

1. Be Consistent

Want results? Want to reach your goals? Then you need to consistently get your butt into the gym. There are no short cuts. Hard work and dedication for a long period of time will get you results. 

2. Leg Day

Your legs are your motor. If you want to be a Mercedes, squats and deadlifts need to be your main focus. If you're happy being a Hyundai, I suggest moving your legs as little as possible.

3. Lift Heavy

Don’t be afraid of lifting heavy.  Beside making you stronger, heavy weights increase bone density and make your ligament and tendons stronger. You will reap the benefits as you age.  

4. Have Fun

Keep it fun, anything in life is always easier when it’s fun! Create a playlist, workout with a friend,  or switch it up with an outside workout. 

*image by Md saad andalib, Flickr

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