Fitness Tips

8 Simple Weight Loss Hacks Anyone Can Do

losing weight

Losing weight (and keeping it off) can be an uphill lifetime battle for some. Not only is it taxing physically, but many people often suffer emotionally as well. Here are some simple strategies that will help you win the battle once and for all. 

Get a Teammate 

It is always easier to do anything in life when you have a strong support system. Whether this person is trying to also lose weight or they are just making sure you are held accountable, good teammates are priceless. 

Make Small, Realistic Goals

If you aim to lose 50 pounds in a week, you are going to be extremely disappointed when that scale barely moves at the end of 7 days. Instead, make easily obtainable goals. 

Lift Weights 

It's no secret that muscle burns fat. Strength train 2-3 times a week and that fat will start melting away faster than you can say "Super Size Me."

Avoid the Daily Weigh In

If you are constantly stepping on that scale to track your progress, you are going to drive yourself crazy. Losing weight should not become an unhealthy obsession, it should be the natural result of all your hard work. 

Eat a Treat

Denying yourself yummy food is going to just make you crave it more. Instead, allow yourself to indulge in one healthy treat once a week. 

Eat Carbs Correctly

Eat your carbs before you workout and then reduce complex carbs for the remainder of the day. 

JERF- Just Eat Real Food

A good rule of thumb is to eat food that only has one ingredient (fruits, veggies, meat.)

Keep a Food/Fitness Journal

There are lots of digital tools that will help ease this process. I happen to really like MyFitness Pal :)

Good luck! I know losing weight can feel like a chore, but if you follow these simple weight loss hacks, you'll be slim in no time. 

*image by Joshua Earle, Unsplash

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: 3 Ways To Avoid Injury

injured athlete

Let’s face it, all of us at some point have either suffered from a fitness related injury or we know someone who has. Whether you have exprienced a serious injury, such as a torn ACL (OUCH), or a more minor incident such as a sprained ankle, being injured is no fun. Period. 

Not only does being injured take a toll on you physically, but it can also have emotional effects. It’s not uncommon for injured athletes to feel a loss of identity when they can no longer perform their sport. Luckily there are preventative measures you can do that will help keep you at the top of your game (and away from the sidelines.)

1. Ice

I can tell you from personal experience that ice baths are about as fun as paying your taxes. However, they are a simple and effective way to quickly reduce inflammation in our body.  An 8-10 minute ice bath, 1-2 times a week will help prevent inflammation related injuries.  

2. Nutrition

Whatever nutrition habits you practice (paleo, vegan, or vegetarian), you have to make sure you eat enough and that you keep the junk to a minimum. A fine tuned balance of carbs, fats and proteins will not only help your body recover quickly but it will give you a sustained amount of energy. A diet high in sugar and processed carbs will only create more inflammation in your body, thus increasing your risk of injury.  

3. Sleep

Sleep is the most important thing you can do for yourself. It gives your body a chance to recover and repair from strenuous workouts. The truth is, you don’t build muscles and increase strength while you are exercising, but while you are resting. Sleep also helps lower blood pressure and regulate stress hormone levels that affect and control your appetite. 

*image by Flickr

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: Pay Now Or Pay Later


Have you paid your taxes yet? No, I’m not talking about how much you owe Uncle Sam. I'm talking about what you owe your body.

Just like you should be withholding tax from every pay check (so you don't end up owing the IRS), you should be strength training, doing cardio and eating right every day (so you don't end up fat, sick, and nearly dead.)

While strength training helps your body bank muscle for later years, eating healthy will help you stay lean and avoid high blood pressure and cholesterol. Put in the hard work now, and you will reap the benefits for years to come. 

What better way to destress from number crunching and calculator punching than with an intense full-body workout? 

*image by Flickr

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