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clean eating

80/20 Rule With Eating | Ask Erik

Many of you are on a weight loss journey or are about to embark on one. Please know that you don't have to be perfect when it comes to eating.

Erik recommends:

1. Employ the 80/20 Rule
- 80% of what you eat should be clean
- 20% of what you eat can be fun things
2. Be consistent

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Don't Worry Be Happy


A Slippery Slope

I recently got an Ask Erik question that was quite concerning to me. The woman wanted to know what was the minimum amount of calories that she could eat and still function. So basically she wanted to know how little she could eat and still be able to stand up on her feet, go to work and live her life.  This is the part of my job that I don’t like, not because of the question, but because I thought how the hell did we get here?! When is starving yourself okay?  I do have the answer, and it’s only on one day every 10 years after the age of 50, because you’re going in for a colonoscopy.  Eating 1000 calories or less isn’t fun, it isn’t healthy, and it is a miserable place to live.

Under Pressure

There is an amazing amount of pressure and stress that people put on themselves to look a certain way.  This pressure comes at the cost of their health, muscle mass, and having fun.  Eating a minimal amount of calories is not sustainable for the long term.  When the day comes that the individual decides to indulge it often leads to them going back to their old ways. 

Be You

My response to this woman’s question was: DO NOT GO DOWN THIS ROAD! Clean up your diet, yes, absolutely 100%.  Eat a sensible amount of calories that includes real food, not processed junk.  Move every single day, whether it’s a scheduled workout, walk, bike ride or class.  Learn to lift weights, because muscle burns calories.  Be patient.  Finally, stop watching TV, looking at social media or reading magazines that are putting unrealistic body images in your head. Be happy in your own skin and if you want to make changes, please do so in a positive and healthy manner.

Image Credit: Matthew Wiebe on Unsplash

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Nutrition Tips 101 (VIDEO)


In this video I share with you three basic nutrition guidelines to follow. Remember, it helps to think of this as lifestyle adjustment instead of a dreaded "diet."

1. Eat More Single Ingredient Foods, Less Processed Junk

Chances are if you can't pronounce an ingredient or you don't know what it is, it probably doesn't belong in your body.

2. Prepare Healthy Meals In Advance

You'll be less likely to succumb to eating fast food or junk if you prepare all of your meals prior to the week starting. Don't forget to include plenty of healthy snacks too!

3. Eat 90% Healthy, 10% Fun

Though it's important to eat healthy, don't let that stop you from having a little fun. It's ok to have a small bowl of ice cream every now and then if you're eating clean the rest of the time...don't forget the cherry on top! 

image by Masahiro Ihara, Flickr

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