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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Performance & Staying Motivated


A Show Of Hands

Do you ever find yourself bored with your exercise routine, not wanting to go to the gym, or experiencing a complete loss of motivation?  Sure, you have, we all have.  It’s how life works - there will always be ups and downs.  If you are finding yourself more on the down side you need to find a performance goal to go after.  It can be an actual event or a solo performance just for you to know of. 

Get Back On Track

The goal is to set a target that is hard enough that you must put daily work into reaching it, but can’t be something totally out of reach.  Performance goals help you show up to the gym when that’s the last thing you want to do.  Performance goals will make you accountable!

These types of goals require a plan; a plan helps you stay on track with proper training, rather than showing up to the gym not having a clue what you are going to do besides making it there.  Performance goals should excite you and give you that feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you think about that big day that is coming up! 

It’s these types of workouts that will put your training, sleep, and nutrition right back on track.  Last but certainly not least these types of goals should get you out of your comfort zone, both physically and mentally.

Go get ‘em!

Image Credit: Martins Zemlickis via Unsplash

If you need a little extra push, I can support you in reaching your goal 310.251.7420

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.



Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | The Award For Best Fitness Program Goes To...


I get a lot of emails asking me for my best program and fitness tips

  •   Should I do Crossfit or P90X?
  •   What is the best food to eat to lose weight?
  •   Should I do Paleo?
  •   What’s better HIIT or LIIS workouts?

And The Award For Best Fitness Program Goes To...

The secret is that almost all programs work, the difficult part is staying committed to the plan you put in place.  So if you want to get stronger, leaner, or just improve your overall health it comes down to sticking to the plan you put in place.  As I said almost every plan works, but there needs to be a few principles that you follow. 

First things first

  • Set a clear goal, then set some smaller goals to reach along the way.
  • Be patient, it takes time to get results. 
  • Programs and supplements that say get quick results in less than 4 weeks aren’t real. 


  • You are what you eat.  Your daily allowance should be in alignment with the goal that you have put in place. 
  • Put yourself in a safe calorie deficit if you are trying to lose weight.
  • Up your protein and carbs allowance if you are trying to pack on muscle. 
  • Chug water, then chug more water.


  • Sleep
  • Take rest days
  • Squat 
  • Bring it!  Nobody makes gains by going through the motions.  

Give me a ring at 310.251.7420 if you'd like help sticking to your plan.

Image credit: Prayitno on Flickr

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.