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Failure & Why You Can't Give Up So Easy | Ask Erik

Erik received an email from an individual who wanted to throw in the towel because they hadn't lost the weight they thought should after 4 weeks time.

Erik's message is:

1. Don't give up so easy
2. Change is hard, but worth the fight
3. Ask someone to help you get a better strategy in place
4 Be patient with the process, these things take time

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Don't Run In Circles


While dogs love chasing their tails in endless circles, humans aren't wired the same way. Or are we??

Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.  

How many times have we been down this road? 

  • Doing the same weight training routine without trying to lift heavier weights.
  • Running the same 4 mile loop without trying to pick up the pace.
  • Attempting to lose weight without really modifying how many calories we are consuming. 

If you are stuck in a rut and not making progress with your goals, NOW is the time to change things up. 

  • Start to lift heavier weights in small increments.
  • Run faster or longer.
  • Audit your diet and see where you can make some changes.  

Small changes can yield BIG results!!

It is January and there is no better time to start with a fresh program than today! You've got this!!

If you'd like me to help you with your fitness or nutrition, give me a call 310.251.7420 or click here.

Image Credit: Ludde Lorentz on Unsplash

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.


Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: Want to Make A Change? Go All In

Make Change

Almost weekly I hear a client say something like “I want to make a change.” To which I reply, “what exactly do you want to change and how do you envision getting there?" Sure, everybody starts a workout plan with good intentions, but staying 100% committed is tough. Whether you want to be skinnier, tighter, or bulkier you’ll first need to make sure you have the following; a clear goal, a path to achieving that goal, and a desire to GO ALL IN. 

Clear Goal

The more specific your goal is, the easier it will be to stay on course. Instead of saying “I want a beach body,” say, “I want to fit into my size 8 jeans.”


If you find yourself too busy to cook or eat healthy during the week, prepare your meals ahead of time. If you find yourself too busy to make it to the gym during the week, schedule workouts in your iCal ahead of time. Set yourself up for success, not failure. 

Go All In

If you are serious about achieving your goal and you have a clear strategy about how to get there, the last thing you’ll need is gumption. It’s going to take time, energy, and sacrifice but anything worth having is worth fighting for. I can tell you that my greatest accomplishments in life, my marriage, my relationship with my kids, and my health & fitness all work because I GO ALL IN, every day.

*image by Jason Devaun, Flickr

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